Bodmin Chamber By-Laws

In the Articles of Association, which are the rules governing the Chamber as a Limited Company, Articles 73 and 74 allow the Board to make, alter and revoke “By-Laws”.  These additional rules cannot conflict with the legal articles but allow the Chamber to better manage the membership, subscriptions and proceedings of the Board.

Unless otherwise stated the By-Laws, with relevant Article, below are currently in force.

Affiliations [Article 3(k)]

The Chamber is affiliated with organisations having similar or supporting objectives.  The Chamber is currently affiliated with:

Associate Membership [Article 8]

Where an organisation has a valid Membership, additional persons connected with the member organisation may become “Associate Members” on payment of an additional annual subscription. If an organisation’s Nominated Representative is absent, an Associate Member may act as a proxy and votes for the organisation.

Remaining Unbiased [Article 18]

The members will seek, at all times, to avoid demonstrating personal bias with regards to characteristics including, but not limited to:

  • disabilities
  • party, local, union or community politics
  • gender, sex or sexual orientation
  • age
  • marriage and civil partnerships
  • religion or belief
  • race and ethnicity
  • personal attire and appearance

Financial Report [Article 19]

At the Annual General Meeting the Director responsible for Finance shall present a Statement of Accounts of the Chamber made up to 31 December, for the last year.

Agenda Proposals [Article 20]

Every Chamber Member, including Associate Members,  shall be entitled to propose any subject relevant to the purposes of the Chamber, to the Chair 14 days before a meeting.  The Chair reserves the right to include the matter on the next agenda opting to delay it until a later meeting or to resolve the issue at the Board or privately.

Regular Meeting Schedule [Article 21]

General Meetings of the Chamber shall be held at least quarterly or as otherwise determined by the previous General Meeting.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held, in normal circumstances, in April each year. 

Voting Majority [Article 35]

At General Meetings all resolutions and decisions shall be determined by a majority of two thirds (66%) of the voting Members present.  The Chair of the Meeting shall not vote on matters but will hold a casting vote which they will only use when a poll or voting has not produced a majority.

Changing the By-Laws [Article 73]

Changes to the By-Laws will be proposed by the Board at a General Meeting for discussion, amendment and a vote. 

Payment of Accounts [Article 85]

The assets of the Chamber shall be vested in the Directors of the Chamber, and due accounts shall be paid promptly by appropriate payment methods such as cheque, debit card or direct debit.  Banking standing orders will be applied to ensure all transactions are verified and appropriately authorised.