Safer Bodmin Partnership

Safer Bodmin is a multi-agency approach to community safety issues of which Bodmin Chamber is proud to be a partner.  Safer Bodmin seeks to improve feelings of safety and public reassurance, reduce the risk of harm to the community and protect vulnerable groups. 

Safer Bodmin

Aims of Safer Bodmin

The aim of Safer Bodmin is to improve community safety and reduce crime and anti-social behaviour by targeting persistent problem places and people within the geographical area and work with communities, partners and the business and voluntary sectors to develop sustainable solutions.

Safer Bodmin involves community members in the work of the partnership and encourages social inclusion and community participation through being part of the problem solving process and having a sense of pride in Bodmin.

Safer Bodmin Partners

Safer Bodmin partners include;

  • Devon and Cornwall Police
  • Cornwall Council
  • Bodmin Town Council
  • Housing providers
  • Chamber of Commerce
  • Addaction
  • Community Mental Health Team
  • Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service
  • Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
  • and the Voluntary and Community Sector
Zero Tollerance to Hate Crime

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