Cornwall Gateway - Agri-Food, Fish and Drink Centre

Cornwall Gateway project graphic

Phase: Funding

Cornwall has a large number of food and drink producers varying from small start-ups who sell their products at local markets up to larger companies who sell their products worldwide. Because of its geographical location, Bodmin is well placed to be the Gateway for Cornwall’s food and drink industry to grow and the brand ‘Made in Cornwall’ to rise as a leading national brand, synonymous with outstanding quality, sustainability, ethical and green.

The climate emergency is likely to drive a trend for decentralisation and transporting food and drink products large distances to be processed and packaged will need to be addressed. Sustainability and innovative technologies are at the heart of our plan.

Welcome Back Fund - Market Equipment Bid

Welcome Back Fund Bid for Market Equipment

Bodmin Chamber is working in partnership with Bodmin Town Council on  submission of a bid to the Welcome Back Fund for Bodmin.  Bodmin Chamber is working closely with intoBodmin and other local organisations to ensure that we submit a bid that brings maximum benefit to the town. This is a dynamic plan that we expect to evolve as we consult with people and do more research.

Phase: Completed

Latest Welcome Back Fund updates

Bodmin Market

Bodmin Town Market

Building on the successful A project to re-establish a regular street market in Bodmin, encouraging more people into the high street to support the permanent shops and promote local craft, food and drink producers.


Phase: Initiation

Latest Bodmin Market project updates