In 2018 discussions began between various local interests to see if a broad strategy could be agreed for the future of Bodmin. An informal partnership of 15 local organisations and interests came together and in April 2019 agreed the ‘Bodmin 2030 and Beyond’ statement, setting out a Vision for the town and the Top Priority Areas for Action. The statement was formally launched in July 2019 with supportive presentations from Cornwall Council, Kernow Clinical Commissioning Group and Cornwall Chamber of Commerce. Working arrangements to develop Action Plans and drive implementation were then established. An informal Steering Group was created, and this has become known as the Bodmin Vision Group. Membership of the group includes representatives from the Town Council, Cornwall Council, Bodmin Business groups and local community and voluntary groups.
In November 2020, Cornwall Council launched a Town Centre Revitalisation Fund (TCRF) to support the development of investment proposals for town centres in Cornwall, led by Town Councils with functioning local partnerships in place. Bodmin Town Council and the Vision Group responded enthusiastically to the opportunities offered by the new fund and an ambitious bid for funding was submitted. In formulating the bid and associated discussions with Cornwall Council, it became clear that it was time for the Bodmin Vision Group to operate on a more formal basis with clear terms of reference (ToR) and to be renamed the Bodmin Town Team.
Bodmin Chamber of Commerce and Industry is proud to have two representatives as members of this vital group. The Chamber will support the Town Team by hosting its web presences, at least for the time being.