All Bodmin residents and those with businesses or interests in the town are invited to join the Bodmin Town Team Engagement Group.
What is the Bodmin Town Team?
We are an enthusiastic and committed group of volunteers representing all parts of the local community who are working together to improve the economic, social and cultural well-being of our town. It is a new group and was established less than a year ago. It has grown to include 20 voting members who are representatives from local councils, businesses, local public services and the voluntary and community sector.
We also have support from a range of advisors who attend meetings as required as non-voting members. These include members of Cornwall Council and Bodmin Town Council Officers staff as well as other people providing specialist input and advice.
What is the Engagement Group?
We are setting up a Bodmin Town Team Engagement Group for people who are interested in getting involved with Bodmin’s future.
We want to extend the reach of the Town Team to include anyone who wants to know more about what we are doing and our plans. When we talk to residents we hear that people are frustrated that they are not kept informed about what is happening. Members of this group will be kept informed of the Town Team’s activities and plans and will also have the opportunity to give feedback directly to the Team.
There is no obligation for you to do anything and you can unsubscribe from the Group at any time.
What we want to achieve
We want to work with other organisations and groups to create opportunities and a better environment for people living and working in and around Bodmin and make our town a more attractive place to visit. By building on the strengths of our town and addressing the challenges facing us, we can deliver the Vision for Bodmin set out in the ‘Bodmin 2030 and Beyond’ statement (see below).
Our key aims are to:
- Identify and promote relevant projects which will deliver improvements to the town
- Facilitate local collaboration and coordination for the benefit of the town
- Encourage investment by external public and private organisations
- Review progress and update strategies and action plans
What we are doing
We will be working hard over the next year to develop projects that will address Bodmin’s future and the regeneration of the Town Centre. It is vital that the local community and businesses are at the centre of plans to regenerate and transform our town. The Town Centre Charrette that took place on the 18th and 19th March was an important first step in this journey.
The vision that is the result of the Charrette process was presented at a public meeting on 22nd March 2022.
Bodmin has been awarded £75,000 of funding that we will be spending on projects to take the vision from the Charrette and develop comprehensive plans that we can use to gain funding and investment to make the plans a reality.
This is not going to be a swift process, because these things never are, and we just have to make sure that we keep going and persist to achieve our goals. The more people who get involved, the more likely we are to succeed.